Soundslides Forum

New "Title" overlay is now online

I just deployed the new “Title” overlay, and there’s a lot you can do with it! Here are some screenshots.

Here’s the link to the demo show

There’s a new overlay editing interface for the title type.

There are lots of ways to mix and match overlays. In the example here, I’m using three overlays to overlap into a nice little title sequence (see gif below).

As far as font families go, I’ve included Lato, Lora, Allura, Rancho and Roboto as defaults … seems like a nice smattering of styles. I’m particularly fond of Allura (centered in the screenshot below).

All of these fonts are from Google’s Font library and they’re free to use.

For additional fonts, there are 900+ fonts available from Google Fonts. You can add any of the Google Fonts to your account as a custom font (documentation coming soon).

And best of all, the custom fonts render in the video exporter as well.

Give a whirl, and if you have a favorite Google Font chime in below.

Yes, I love the overlay. Here is a simple use of the it: Soundslides Player As ever, grateful.